Counsels to Writers and Editors   (2)
You speak of humbling yourself by having to wait for the sanction of the board upon your book. Some things have passed into history very recently that have sharpened up the vigilance of the book committee. Advantages have been taken in the publishing line which has hurt the offices and will continue to hurt them because a heavy debt has been incurred through the publication of matter that never came before the book committee for their consent, and of which they had no knowledge until the office was involved to the amount of $5,000.—Letter 49, 1894. (CW 157.1) MC VC
Close Criticism of All Writings—The Lord did not lead in the production of some of the statements that are made in this book [Living Temple]. He has given us His word, and this word is to be the man of our counsel. It seemed to me passing strange that men who have been long in the work cannot discern the character of this book. A great deal of scripture is used, but it is woven in and brought together in such a way that to many minds error is made to appear as truth. Erroneous theories are so presented that those who receive them will certainly be misled, and led on step by step by the enemy. (CW 157.2) MC VC